My relationship with math | Thoughts

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{Photos taken from a charity mission in the mountains. Not related to the topic but it looked sad and gloomy, like my post | Alambijud, CEB 2015}

Nothing depresses me more than math. The mere thought of it just sucks out the light in my life and ruins my whole day. There are some days where I might think I’m getting a hang of it, then of course the universe hears me and fucks it all up. It might have started in when I realized that i was always behind in class, Math was the hardest thing to keep up with. One minute you’re looking at the board and listening to the teacher then you look away for approximately 0.10 seconds then you look back up and boom. You don’t understand anything anymore.

Now, Its summer for me but I need to review for one last test Im taking which means, I’d have to meet math again. I thought I said goodbye to it after that final exam but no. Its back to ruin my summer.

I opened my math review booklet and unleashed pandora’s box. It was horrible. With every page I turned, I lost what little hope I had in passing the test and entering this university. Its not that it was hard, no, it was all basics but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I concluded that I’m probably traumatized with math. 

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