A polaroid memoir

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{Photo taken in Shangri-La, Mactan, CEB | July 26, 2015}

{Photo taken in Santa monica | May 14, 2014}

I remember how magical it felt, walking in Santa monica, watching the sun say goodbye to the world. Looking at it now makes me feel nostalgic. Nostalgia is a funny thing. 

"stay awake" 

I feel like sometimes we get carried away with change, especially when "the change" feels good. It could be bad even if it feels good.

 We need to stay awake. Remember who you are, remember what you once were. Don't get carried away completely. Stay connected to your skeleton, stay awake.

{Photo taken through my hotel room | May 3, 2014}

Serenity. I could never forget that feeling of peacefulness. Despite the cold, i felt warm and full of contentment.

SENSES: The steady hum of the heater was the only sound in the room, besides the soft snores of the people sleeping in the room. My hands and feet were cold. My mind was clear of any negativity and rotten thoughts.

I woke up at 5 am (due to the jet lag) and rose with the sun while everyone else was fast asleep.

{Photo taken in Muir woods national monument| May 5, 2014}

I remember feeling so tiny, surrounded by the giant redwood trees. It felt like being one with nature, standing there amongst the greens. The trees stretched upward for days, or so it seemed.

Fun facts: 

-The Giant and Coast Redwood trees are fire resistant.   

-The film "Rise of the planet of the Apes" was filmed here. 

{Photo taken in Venice Beach | May 14, 2014}

Its ironic cause i was having a bad mood that afternoon. I didn't realize how windy it was and i was wearing a skirt. That ticked me off. I HATE when I'm not wearing the perfect attire for the trip/occasion. 

Before leaving the Philippines, I saved a photo from tumblr which i set as my lockscreen. As i was walking on that strip, i realized it looked familiar. I looked at my screen and looked up. I was in the same place.

{Photo taken in our car, a few miles away from LV | May 8, 2014}

My dad was incredibly nervous to be driving by ourselves, for the first time, from LA to Vegas. I was the navigator holding the GPS, "Ana", we borrowed from our family friends. 

The road trip was an endless view of the desert. 

On our road trip back to LA, it was very gusty and sandy. My dad said he could feel the wind blowing hard on the car. Visibility was low. My mom was panicky. 

After that mini sandstorm like experience, the wind stopped howling and our vision was clear again.


Hope you enjoyed looking through my little memory box. Come back soon.



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