Twenty third

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      {Photo taken on July 26, 2015 | Shangri- la, Mactan, CEB}

July 26, 2015 - Its my parents' twenty third anniversary. That's a lot of years spent together with someone. 

Before anything else, let's take a quick trip to (a vague narration of) the past. My parents got married on July 26, 1992. That's the same year the Czechoslovak parliament approved the separation into two nations: Czeck republic and Slovakia. No, I did not conjure that merely from my memories. I looked it up on the Internet. 

My dad is from Manila, the capital of the Philippines while my mom resided in Cebu with her eleven Chinese siblings. My grandparents (mom side) were from China but decided to move here due to rough situations in China. My dad was then moved to Cebu (due to work purposes) and their paths collided. That's all I'm gonna say. 


Now that I've covered the basics of their history, let's dive into my thoughts. 

When it comes to my parents, im pretty indifferent. It's not cause they're bad parents, (maybe I'm the bad one. Probably) they simply get on my nerves. All the damn time. They make me want to pull my hair out and scream. Which I think is normal. But this post isn't about my immature negative feelings. This is my attempt on an appreciation post. 

To me, my parents are the most important teachers, our life teachers. They teach us what we don't learn in school. Parents will tell you things that other people don't. They are the wisest people who also happen to be the most similar. We inherit their traits, the way we act, our mannerism, weaknesses and strengths. 

Parents naturally pass on information that they've learned though out the course of their lives.  That's why history is important because we get to learn from it and correct the wrong. We can be an enhanced version of our parents. 

They say we are a combination of influence, from friends, family, interest, etc. I find that very accurate. Though, of course, we have our own thoughts and opinions, they change without us realizing it.  We often gear towards our influences and what we are exposed to. 

Despite my claim of being indifferent towards my parents, I highly respect them and everything they've been through. They've climbed mountains, crossed oceans and fought wolves to help us get to where we are. Without their guidance, I would be nowhere near where I am now. For that, I am beyond thankful. 

This post does not give justice to what my parents have gone through for us. Hopefully I can learn to express my feelings more deeply in the future but with that being said, Happy Anniversary to my parents! 

P.S My first attempt on writing this post got deleted. Never using the blogger app (mobile) again. Also, I hope this post made sense. My mind is always a mess. 


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