Have courage and do it | Thoughts

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{Photo taken in Hong kong | March 2015}

I've always been a little too scared to do what I want, its so silly. I was too shy and too insecure to post what I wanted to post, to try new things, to expose myself more. Then I thought to myself, If I was already old and frail looking back at life, how many things would I regret? If I didn't start now, it might never happen.

I have been watching Youtube videos for YEARS and I knew I wanted to be a YouTube creator. After three or more years, I've finally gathered my courage and just did it. I felt too constricted already, like I was a balloon of desire and passion wanting to pop open and show the world what Ive got. I fueled by passion to pursue what I wanted and with that last push, I went for it.
I knew it was gonna be hard. I trained myself not to expect anything cause I know that beginning is NEVER easy. The thought that "everyone starts somewhere" kept me going. I was discouraged countless times along the way but I made a vow to myself that I would finish what I start.

Alas, I've surpassed 50 subscribers (which is not a lot) but, Its all about personal achievement. Im proud of myself for working hard to edit and to film these videos even if they don't have a thousand views because I know that as long as I pour my heart and soul into it, progress will grow.
One thing is for sure, You always have to have faith in yourself. Trust yourself to do great things. Each and everyone of us is full of potential, use it and share it to the world.


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